Officially supported by
tm moto

tm moto

TM Red Passion

6-7-8 Giugno 2025

Fratte di Sassofeltro (RN)

The Riding Marche motorcycle club, with the official support of tm moto factory, is proud to present the first international motorcycle vintage meeting, dedicated only to tm motorcycles.

The goal is to create an event that brings together enthusiasts of the tm brand from all over the world, discover rare models, meet, compare, exchange opinions and spare parts to live a unique experience as unique in the world is the tm moto factory.

The paddock is located at the motocross track of Fratte di Sassofeltrio, in the province of Rimini (Italy), GOOGLE MAPS, where it will also be possible to ride with your fantastic motorcycles.

Only tm motorcycles, registered up to 2005, are admitted. The participant can bring more than one motorcycle.



To join the event, you have to FILL OUT THE FORM, pay the participation fee plus the cost of the CSEN card, by bank transfer, and send the receipt of payment to The participant will then receive a confirmation email.

To ride on the track, the participant has to have the certificate of good health or healthy and robust constitution.

For insurance reasons, the participation is reserved exclusively for CSEN members. Those who are not members, can request the membership card to the Riding Marche motorcycle club, indicating it in the appropriate section of the participation form.


Friday 6 June

From 9:00 to 13:00 arrival of participants at the paddock, check-in operations, delivery of the welcome kit and accommodation in the assigned area.

From 14:00 to 18:00 free practice.

A guided tour of the tm moto factory in Pesaro is scheduled for 16:00.

At 19:00 event closure.

Saturday 7 June

At 8:30 event opening.

At 9:00 presentation of the event by the organizer and the Chief Operating Officer of tm moto: Mr. Alex Serafini.

From 10:00 to 18:00 free practice.

At 17:00 award ceremony for the three most beautiful bikes of the meeting.

At 19:00 event closure.

Sunday 9 June

At 8:30 event opening.

From 9:00 to 16:00 free practice.

At 17:00 event closure, greetings and return home.

Participation fees:

Rider: € 100 (the rider can bring more than one motorbike)

Companion: € 50


To Join

To join the event, you have to FILL OUT THE FORM, pay the participation fee plus the cost of the CSEN card, by bank transfer, and send the receipt of payment to The participant will then receive a confirmation email.